Tuesday, October 5, 2010

He Makes Me Feel Safe

Recently I was listening to a young woman talk about her husband. She was asked why she was attracted to him and what she liked about him. Her response was simple. “He makes me feel safe,” she replied. Her words resonated with me because I think that in general, we all want to feel like we are safe.

For a little while yesterday I did not feel safe. This may seem trivial to some people, but if anyone has a phobia of some sort, you will relate to my predicament. I thought I heard a mouse in the house. Some people are scared of snakes, other of spiders and I’m petrified of mice and rodents in general. Stuart Little – not cute. Tom & Jerry – not cute. Even that new “chef” cartoon rat – not cute.

So when I thought I heard a mouse in my house yesterday I sat paralyzed on my stairs. My pride evaporated as I called my friend next door and she came over with her 5-year-old son to help me look for the mouse. While her son sat on the stairs with me, Nikki searched and could not find even a hint of mouse droppings. Only then did I feel safe enough to get off of the stairs and help her look.

“Mouse!” Yelled her son from his perch on the stairs. My heart stopped beating as I looked at him for a clue as to where the mouse was. “Just kidding,” he said as he doubled over in laughter. Not funny!

I’m a little embarrassed to say that the mouse noise I heard was really my ice cube maker frantically trying to make ice. As my dear, mouse-hunting friend left, I thanked her for helping me feel safe in my house again.

I realize that many of you are going through situations that are much more critical than a mouse in your house. You may feel open, vulnerable and in need of a safe place to wait out the storm you’re enduring.

Yesterday I listed some verses that proclaimed “God is our refuge.” I looked up the word refuge in the dictionary. It means (1)The state of being protected, as from danger or hardship. (2) A place that provides protection or shelter: haven. Something to which one may turn for help, relief, or escape.

In the midst of our trials, God wants to be our protector, our shelter, our escape. Will you tuck yourself under God’s shelter today? Will you let Him be your protector and trust that He will do what He’s promised? He is the only one who can truly help you feel safe in the midst of turmoil.

Scripture: Ps. 18:2, Ps. 62:5-8

Prayer: Lord, when trials and scary situations enter our lives, thank you that we can turn to You for protection, guidance and safety. We want to trust You to hold us through the difficult times in our lives. Life brings many ups and downs, but we know that You are constant through it all.


  1. Hey, Just wanted to let you know that I really enoy reading your entries. I love that you put your daily happenings into what you are studying, reading or come across in the Bible. It makes it so real and enjoyable to read. I can just picture you sitting on the steps. Or in any of the situations you share. Also by reading your posts it allows me to read bits and pieces of the Bible and I love that especially on the days that I don't take the time to do it myself. So Thank you! Looking forward to your next post! Jill B.

  2. Thanks, Jill. Your encouraging comments were just what I needed today! Thanks for the kind words!
