Thursday, October 28, 2010

Divine Assignments

This morning the kids and I were reading a devotional about divine assignments. (Not the 007 type, but pretty close!) There are many examples of divine assignments in the Bible. Mary’s was to give birth to the Messiah. It’s hard to top that one! Moses had the divine assignment of freeing the Israelites from slavery. These were clearly tasks ordained by God!

We started thinking about how we could be involved with God’s divine assignments. What would a divine assignment look like for a stay-at-home mom and two grade-school age kids? What does it look like for any of us?

The kids had some great ideas. They could help someone at school who is hurting. They could be extra kind and include someone in their class who is not always included. My ideas were to encourage a friend or write a blog entry that could draw someone closer to Christ. We all prayed that God would show us His divine assignment for us today and then the kids left for school.

I didn’t have long to wait for mine to be revealed. Soon after the kids left, a friend called. She has been going through a rough time lately and I knew my divine assignment was to encourage her. The Scripture passages I’ve been reading lately fit in perfectly with the issues she’s dealing with right now, so I shared what the Lord had shown me.

The important part of my divine assignment was that I had the tools to help my friend. There have been times in my life when I have not been in the Word and would not have been able to help her. I was thankful that I’d been reading the Bible and that God could use what He’s been showing me to help someone else.

Another friend of mine is often presented with divine assignments at her workplace. Co-workers and even clients come to her for advice and wisdom because they know her knowledge comes from the Lord. Some of her divine assignments are unexpected and take time out of her busy day, but I know that the Lord has placed her at her job so that He can use her to encourage others around her.

All of us have divine assignments. We just have to look for them and take advantage of them when they arise. If you don’t feel like you have any divine assignments, then pray that God will give you one. Read the Word daily so you have the right tools to complete the assignment. I can’t wait to find out about the divine assignments my kids had today!

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want You to give me divine assignments. I know I need to be in Your Word and in prayer so that I will see the assignments when You present them. I want to be ready and waiting when an assignment arises and I want to be used by You.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Later is Now

It was a beautiful summer day. It was so nice out, in fact, that I decided I would start the day by going for a jog. After all, if I waited until later to exercise, it would never happen. As I tied my running shoes, my thoughts drifted to the Bible on my coffee table. I paused at the door and briefly thought about doing my devotions, but I decided I could do them when I got back.

After my jog I needed to shower, of course. Then I needed to get the kids some breakfast and start a load of laundry. I had wanted to teach the kids tennis this summer, and today was perfect tennis weather. I told the kids to grab their racquets and we headed off to the courts. When we got home it was already time to make lunch. I switched the load of clothes and my thoughts drifted back to the Bible on the table. “Later, after lunch,” I thought.

After lunch some neighbor kids rang our doorbell and asked my kids to play outside. Since the kids seemed entertained, I decided to stain another section of our deck. Before long it was time to think about supper. I came inside and walked right past my Bible, mentally putting off my devotions until bedtime.

Supper came and went, and afterward our family enjoyed a round of golf. We came home exhausted and caught the end of the Twins game. All of a sudden it was 9:30 p.m. Time to get the kids in bed. By then, I was too tired to do my devotions. I rationalized that I would get up early tomorrow.

Even though the day had been great, I felt empty inside. Something was missing. We enjoyed a fun and fairly productive day, yet it did not feel complete. I knew what was missing, so I said a quick prayer before bed, thinking that I would definitely spend the first part of my day with God tomorrow.


The next morning I walked downstairs and saw my Bible. I realized what time it was.

It was later.

Sitting down on my favorite chair, I started reading my Bible. I felt God speaking to me through His Word, soothing and comforting me. I felt centered and loved. The sad thing is that He wanted me to feel these things the day before, but I had ignored Him. He could have encouraged me and strengthened me, but I kept telling Him, “Later.”

No matter what time of day it is, if you haven’t spent time with God yet, later is now!

Scripture: Psalm 63

Prayer: Lord, I’m sorry for passing You by. I’m sorry for walking past my Bible when I should be stopping to spend time with You. I’m sorry that I’ve made other things in my life more important than my relationship with You. Please forgive me and meet me today through Your Word.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Control Freak

I’ve been called a lot of things including, “Type A,” a “leader,” “organized,” – you get the picture! One thing I’ve never been called is “flexible.” There’s a good reason for that – it’s because I’m not flexible. I really don’t like anything to change my plans or get in the way of what’s already been scheduled. Right now you’re probably thinking one of two things, either “I can relate,” or “Why doesn’t she just chill out?”

If you’re thinking I should chill out, then you’re right! I agree with you. Always being in control hasn’t brought me the happiness and fulfillment I thought it would. Somehow I thought by controlling all aspects of my life, I could insulate myself from the disappointments and challenges that life could bring. However, I am realizing that by trying to run my life, I am really missing out on living life to the fullest.

Currently I am reading through the book of James. The Lord keeps leading me back to chapter 4, verses 13-15. They say, “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this city or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you don’t even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’”

If that’s not convicting for a chronic controller, I don’t know what is! Basically, these verses are saying, “Who do you think you are? Are you so presumptuous that you actually think you have any control over your life? In the scheme of things, your time here on earth is the equivalent to one breath in someone’s entire lifetime. Stop trying to be in charge and get over yourself.” (Gretchyn’s Paraphrase Translation)

It’s silly and laughable when you really think about it. To think that any of us has control over our lives or even our family’s lives is crazy. These verses are a wake-up call to a control freak like me. No wonder God wants me to read them over and over again.

Now comes the interesting part. What does it mean to honestly give up the control that I so dearly love? I know God will reveal the answer to me as I seek His will for my life. Hey – maybe I can give up control in small pieces. That would be nice, but it’s probably missing the point! This control freak has a lot to learn!

Scripture: James 4:13-15

Prayer: Lord, I am sorry for thinking that I can control anything in my life. I know I have been missing out on blessings that You would love to give me by not being open to Your plan. I want to let You be in charge of my life and follow Your will.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

J-O Y spells Prayer

After reading that title, you may think I am out of my mind! Yes, I actually do know how to spell the word “prayer,” so please don’t go searching for my grade school teachers to let them know what a bad speller I am. Prayer is spelled

Have you ever noticed your prayer life becoming monotonous? At our house, we catch ourselves saying the same prayers over and over. Most of the time we say, “Thank you for this food,” or “Thank you for this day,” or “Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins.” None of these prayers are wrong, but when we pray the same words all the time, the words can start to mean less to us.

You’ve probably heard of the acronym JOY – “Jesus, Others, You spells JOY!” It means that putting Jesus first, others second and yourself last will result in a joyful life. It’s a good concept to adopt in life, and it also works in your prayer life. I decided to try it with my kids.

I explained that we were going to change our prayers to include Jesus first (thanking & praising Him for one of His many attributes), others second (praying for someone else) and then you (they could pray for a request about themselves). Two sets of eyes stared blankly back at me. They were underwhelmed with my new prayer method.

I could see I was going to have to help them with this. When we started praying with the new JOY method, the most challenging part was thinking of the attributes of God. Thank goodness for the book of Psalms! We found many words we could use to praise God – He’s merciful, He’s righteous, He’s our creator, He’s our protector – just to name a few!

Changing the way we pray has really helped to focus our attention on God and to learn more about His attributes at the same time. It has also been good to pray for others before we pray about ourselves. Using the JOY method has been a good change for our family. We are all finding out more about God and His characteristics, which seem to be limitless!

Now without looking it up in the dictionary or thinking about what you learned in school, how do you spell prayer?

Prayer: God, there are so many of your qualities and traits that go unnoticed unless we search for them in Your Word. Please forgive us for the times when we are stagnant in our prayer life. We want to give You the praise and honor You deserve, and we want to do it creatively. Thank you for the many facets of Your being – You are such an amazing God!

Scripture: Choose a Psalm that highlights God’s qualities

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It was Thursday and I was excited because that evening I had plans to meet a friend for dinner. Just to be safe, I texted my friend to confirm the time and place we would meet. A few minutes later my phone rang. It was my friend explaining she thought we had planned to meet the following Thursday. One of us had gotten the date wrong, which created our misunderstanding.

Similar to misunderstandings in life, I believe there are times we can misunderstand Scripture. Sometimes, without even realizing it or trying to do so, we can think a verse means one thing when it really means another.

This happened to me recently as I read the book of James. James 1:5-8 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.”

When I was growing up, my class memorized these verses at our Christian school. Unfortunately, I misunderstood their meaning. I used to think James was saying that I should bring my specific requests to God and then believe that He will answer my prayer according to His will. When I read these verses as an adult, I was surprised to realize that I had misunderstood their true message.

In reality, James is telling us that if we need wisdom in our lives, we should ask God for it. These verses don’t say we should ask God to fix our situation, but that we should ask God for wisdom to deal with our circumstance. He promises that God will give us wisdom when we ask, on one condition. We must believe and not doubt.

Lately I’ve realized the second part of those verses is actually the hardest part for me. I can say I believe God will give me wisdom, but do I really trust and believe, or do I keep some of the control for myself? I’m a planner and a controller, so I don’t like to leave any part of my life up to someone else. James speaks clearly, though, that we must ask for wisdom and believe that God will give it to us, or we cannot expect to receive anything from God.

Those are powerful words. Now that I understand their true meaning, I am working on putting it into practice in my daily life. When a challenge arises, I now ask for wisdom to deal with the challenge and then tell God I believe He is in control (not me!). This is a new concept for me to implement in my life. However, now that James set me straight, I need to learn from my misunderstanding!

Prayer: Thank you Lord, for clarifying what Scripture verses really mean. I don’t want to misunderstand Your Word. Thank you for Your promise that if we ask for wisdom, You will give it to us generously, without finding fault. Please clear up any misunderstandings I may have in my spiritual walk so that I may grow closer to You.

Scripture: James 1

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

He Makes Me Feel Safe

Recently I was listening to a young woman talk about her husband. She was asked why she was attracted to him and what she liked about him. Her response was simple. “He makes me feel safe,” she replied. Her words resonated with me because I think that in general, we all want to feel like we are safe.

For a little while yesterday I did not feel safe. This may seem trivial to some people, but if anyone has a phobia of some sort, you will relate to my predicament. I thought I heard a mouse in the house. Some people are scared of snakes, other of spiders and I’m petrified of mice and rodents in general. Stuart Little – not cute. Tom & Jerry – not cute. Even that new “chef” cartoon rat – not cute.

So when I thought I heard a mouse in my house yesterday I sat paralyzed on my stairs. My pride evaporated as I called my friend next door and she came over with her 5-year-old son to help me look for the mouse. While her son sat on the stairs with me, Nikki searched and could not find even a hint of mouse droppings. Only then did I feel safe enough to get off of the stairs and help her look.

“Mouse!” Yelled her son from his perch on the stairs. My heart stopped beating as I looked at him for a clue as to where the mouse was. “Just kidding,” he said as he doubled over in laughter. Not funny!

I’m a little embarrassed to say that the mouse noise I heard was really my ice cube maker frantically trying to make ice. As my dear, mouse-hunting friend left, I thanked her for helping me feel safe in my house again.

I realize that many of you are going through situations that are much more critical than a mouse in your house. You may feel open, vulnerable and in need of a safe place to wait out the storm you’re enduring.

Yesterday I listed some verses that proclaimed “God is our refuge.” I looked up the word refuge in the dictionary. It means (1)The state of being protected, as from danger or hardship. (2) A place that provides protection or shelter: haven. Something to which one may turn for help, relief, or escape.

In the midst of our trials, God wants to be our protector, our shelter, our escape. Will you tuck yourself under God’s shelter today? Will you let Him be your protector and trust that He will do what He’s promised? He is the only one who can truly help you feel safe in the midst of turmoil.

Scripture: Ps. 18:2, Ps. 62:5-8

Prayer: Lord, when trials and scary situations enter our lives, thank you that we can turn to You for protection, guidance and safety. We want to trust You to hold us through the difficult times in our lives. Life brings many ups and downs, but we know that You are constant through it all.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ok, I get it!

Have you ever had the feeling that God was trying to tell you something? I’ve had that feeling lately.

My scripture readings over the last few days have started to develop a common theme. I’ve been reading Psalms 59-62, and I’ve been struck by the concept that God is our refuge. My last blog entry talked about God being our refuge during the storms of life. Then today I was talking to my sister-in-law who’s in charge of women’s ministries at her church in Texas. I asked her what they have going on right now and she said they’re working on a women’s retreat about refuge.

Ok, I get it! I think God wants to show me something!

To really get a handle on the fact that God wants to be our place of refuge, let’s do something together. Print off the following verses and circle every time a word relating to “refuge” is mentioned. The psalmist lists various words for refuge such as “fortress,” “rock,” “shield,” etc.

“The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Psalm 18:2

“O my Strength, I watch for You;
You, O God, are my fortress.”

Psalm 59:9

“But I will sing of your strength,
In the morning I will sing of your love;
For you are my fortress,
My refuge in times of trouble.
O my Strength, I sing praise to You;
You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.”

Psalm 59:16-17

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
My hope comes from Him,
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken,
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your hearts to Him,
For God is our refuge.”

Psalm 62:5-8

Now make a list of each word you found as synonym for refuge.

Here is the list I came up with: rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, horn & strength. Do we have the same list? These words attest to a powerful God, don’t they? There’s more to discover about God and His desire to be our refuge, so let’s learn more about it together. Stay posted, and maybe we can say, “Ok, I get it” together!

Prayer: Lord, what do you have to show us through Your Word today? We read that You want to be our refuge because we see You’ve mentioned it over and over in Scripture. Please show each one of us how to apply this concept to our lives as we dig into these Bible verses.

Scripture: See above verses!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Divine Assignments

This morning the kids and I were reading a devotional about divine assignments. (Not the 007 type, but pretty close!) There are many examples of divine assignments in the Bible. Mary’s was to give birth to the Messiah. It’s hard to top that one! Moses had the divine assignment of freeing the Israelites from slavery. These were clearly tasks ordained by God!

We started thinking about how we could be involved with God’s divine assignments. What types of divine assignments can a stay-at-home mom and two grade-school age kids, or any of us for that matter, encounter in our daily lives?

The kids had some great ideas. They could help someone at school who is hurting. They could be extra kind and include someone in their class who is not always included. My ideas were to encourage a friend or write a blog entry that could draw someone closer to Christ. We all prayed that God would show us His divine assignment for today and then the kids left for school.

I didn’t have long to wait for mine to be revealed. Soon after the kids left, a friend called. She has been going through a rough time lately and I knew my divine assignment was to encourage her. The Scripture passages I’ve been reading lately fit in perfectly with the issues she’s dealing with right now, so I shared what the Lord had shown me.

The important part of my divine assignment was that I had the tools to help my friend. There have been times in my life when I have not been in the Word and would not have been able to help her. I was thankful that I’d been reading the Bible and that God could use what He’s been showing me to help someone else.

Another friend of mine is often presented with divine assignments at her workplace. Co-workers and even clients come to her for advice and wisdom because they know her knowledge comes from the Lord. Some of her divine assignments are unexpected and take time out of her busy day, but I know that the Lord has placed her at her job so that He can use her to encourage others around her.

All of us have divine assignments. We just have to look for them and take advantage of them when they arise. If you don’t feel like you have any divine assignments, then pray that God will give you one. Read the Word daily so you have the right tools to complete the assignment. I can’t wait to find out about the divine assignments my kids had today!

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want You to give me divine assignments. I know I need to be in Your Word and in prayer so that I will see the assignments when You present them. I want to be ready and waiting when an assignment arises and I want to be used by You.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Searching for Refuge

This summer my mom and I took the kids up to Minnesota’s captivating North Shore. It rained most of the time, but we still enjoyed breathtaking views of the beautiful rocky shoreline. The rain continued through our entire trip home. As we reached my mom’s house to drop her off, the rain’s intensity increased and so did my desire for the kids and I to reach our own home and our own beds.

A few minutes after leaving mom’s house the weather turned ugly. I have never driven through such a horrible storm as I did that day. I could not see even one foot in front of me as the driving rain poured down and then it began to hail. When I saw lightning flash three times on the road in front of me, I knew the kids and I needed to pray, literally, for our lives.

I searched for a place on the side of the road to pull over. I longed for some driveway or another side road where we could take refuge. If we stayed on the road and pulled over, we risked the chance of someone coming behind us and hitting us. If we turned around to go back to my parent’s house, we risked the chance of someone coming from the other direction and hitting us. It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

“We’re going to turn around. Pray!” I told the kids. With a desperate prayer, I swung the car around and started the scary journey back to my parent’s home. After fifteen long minutes that felt like hours, we arrived at our place of refuge. It felt so good to be safe in a warm, dry place.

I was reminded of this story today as I read in Psalms. Quite a few verses in the book of Psalms talk about God as our refuge.

Psalm 57:1 “…for in You my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.”
Psalm 59:16-17 “For You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”
Psalm 61: 3 “For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in Your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.”

These are just a few verses that I’ve read lately, so I’m sure there are plenty more about God being our refuge. That day in the midst of a physical storm in my life, God was there, guiding my car to a safe place of refuge. When you or I are experiencing an emotional storm, He is also there. The Bible says we can take refuge in the shadow of His wings.

No matter what kind of storm you’re going through in life, take refuge in God. He wants to put His arms around you and embrace you. He wants you to take refuge in the shadow of His wings until the storm has passed. Like me on that horrible night, you may have to go through the storm first, but take heart in knowing He will be right beside you until the disaster has passed.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 57, 59 & 61

Prayer: Lord, we do not enjoy going through storms, whether they’re physical or emotional. However, we know storms are part of life here on earth. Thank you for being such a loving and caring God. Thank you for promising to be our refuge until the storm has passed. Thank you for coming along side us as we encounter storms in our lives. We will trust in You.