Scripture: 2 Chronicles 31:1-13
What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase, “God loves a cheerful giver?” I wish it wasn’t the case, but when I think of this phrase, a distinct thought comes to mind. I envision these words coming from the lips of someone with a forced smile holding an offering plate in front of me.
While the words to this phrase are definitely true, giving cheerfully doesn’t always come easily. Depending on our current financial circumstances, how we were raised or how our church is structured, it can be a struggle to give with a cheerful heart.
I have a friend who told me that she gets frustrated with how it seems that her church is constantly asking for money. She feels that every time she goes to church they focus on money. Her church even started to call her at home to ask her when and how much she planned to donate. It’s hard to give cheerfully when you feel pressured and cornered.
I know others who feel they cannot give until their financial situation changes. They say that as soon as they start making more money, they plan to start tithing. Still others I know have told me that they grew up feeling like they had to give out of guilt and duty. They don’t like feeling this way, but it’s hard for them to give cheerfully when they can’t seem to break away from the past.
In 2 Chronicles 31, King Hezekiah dedicated himself to showing the people of Judah how to be cheerful givers. We can learn a lot about giving through this chapter as we look at specific ways the people of Judah gave to the LORD.
They gave out of their first share. I love this because it shows that they didn’t wait until they could afford to give, they gave immediately out of the first part of their harvest. They gave the first share of their grain, new wine, olive oil, honey and produce of their fields. I know of someone who writes their tithe check before any of the other bills they pay each month, which is similar to the people of Judah giving their first share.
They gave generously. This has huge significance to me because it shows they gave cheerfully, not begrudgingly. When we give generously, we most likely give more than is required. Verse 5 says, “They brought a large quantity.”
When my husband and I were first married, we asked a relative his opinion on whether we should tithe on our gross earnings or our net earnings. I’ll never forget his answer. He said, “Do you want to be blessed on the gross or the net?” I don’t think he was saying that we should give more to get blessed more, I think he was saying in his own way that God loves a cheerful, generous giver.
They gave faithfully. Verse 12 says, “The people faithfully brought all the tithes and gifts to the Temple.” It doesn’t say they brought their tithes when they felt like it or when they had some extra olive oil or honey. They gave faithfully, which I think can also mean consistently. Giving faithfully requires that we trust that God will meet our needs.
When King Hezekiah saw the huge piles of food and donations, he asked the priests and Levites, “Where did all this come from?”
The high priest replied, “Since the people began bringing in gifts to the LORD’s Temple, we have had enough to eat and plenty to spare. The LORD has blessed his people, and all this is left over.” King Hezekiah was amazed and thanked the LORD and the people of Israel.
Prayer: LORD, I want to give generously. I want You to have control over my finances. Please show me what I need to do so that I can give generously and faithfully out of my first share. Show me specifically what that means in my life. I want to honor You in all areas of my life out of a cheerful heart. I love You and want to serve You wholeheartedly.
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