Sometimes car trips provide a great opportunity for unexpected in-depth conversations. In the confined space of a car, there's a unique feeling of safety that makes people feel comfortable to talk. This was the case for my son, Caleb, and me yesterday.
As we traveled the two hours home from our cabin, he and I had a rare opportunity to talk without interruption. For half of the drive I listened to him talk about subjects that interest him. After listening and asking him questions about topics ranging from football to pencil toppers, I broached the subject of homeschooling.
Just as I expected, the car suddenly became quiet. You see, Caleb does not want to be home schooled. He says he will miss his friends and that he loves everything about public school – even the bus ride! He was extremely disappointed when my husband and I first broke the news to him.
After a few moments of silence passed, he asked me again why he “has” to home school.
Again, silence flooded the vehicle. Should I give him the patented, “Because your dad and I say so” answer, or should I lay it on the line for him?
Since he was stuck with me for another hour, I decided to lay it on the line.
I told him that his dad and I never really had the intention of home schooling. God has worked in our lives this year to bring us to this decision. When his sister, Shalyn, got sick last winter, she continually asked to be home schooled. I admitted to Caleb that I never thought seriously about home schooling until that point. But as my husband and I started praying about it, God opened both of our hearts to the idea.
At first, we thought we would only home school Shalyn, but soon it became obvious that we were supposed to home school Caleb as well. We knew this decision would not go over well with him, but we decided that since God had definitely led us to home school, we needed to make this unpopular decision as his parents.
I decided to press the issue further, since he was stuck with me and all! I told Caleb that it would be disobedient to God if we didn’t home school him. I told him that God had told both his dad and me that this was the right decision for our family. He then asked me a great question. He asked, “How do you know when God is talking to you, because I’ve never actually heard Him?”
Silence again. Now that is a loaded question if I’ve ever heard one! I wanted to respond to him, not by patronizing him or giving him trite answers. I wanted to truly tell him how God speaks to us. I decided that with God’s help I would lay it on the line again! The final part of our conversation will be posted soon!
Scripture: Exodus 27:20-21; Exodus 30:17-21 (*Note the phrase “generation to generation” used in both passages.)
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for Your perfect timing. You work on our hearts and soften them to be ready to do exactly what You ask of us. We want to be ready and willing and open to the plans You have for our lives. Please help us to trust You and to take a step of faith, even when we can’t see the path ahead.
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