Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cool Car Conversation Continued

The last blog entry ended with my son asking me how God spoke to me about home schooling. I had paused to clear my head so that I could explain my answer in the best way possible. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right – I was also buying time!

During my silence, I thought back to the situations that led us to choose homeschooling. I truly believe that God ordained each one.

“Well,” I began slowly, “First God opened our hearts to homeschooling through Shalyn’s interest in it. I really never thought we’d home school you, too.”

“Next God put people in our lives who really made us think about the benefits of home school. Sometimes God uses other people who are following Christ to lead us in the right direction,“ I said. “God also used His Word to show me the importance of passing His laws from generation to generation. Every time I read the phrase ‘generation to generation’ in the Bible, I felt God telling me that He wanted me to be the one to teach you and Shalyn. That phrase kept popping up in my devotions and I couldn’t ignore the fact that God was speaking to me.”

“God also spoke to me through prayer. While dad and I were contemplating whether or not to home school you, we both prayed a lot. I brought up some of my specific doubts to God. After each doubt I expressed to God, I strongly felt Him telling me to have faith in our decision to home school,” I said.

“What is that like?” he asked.

“Well, you know how your conscience tells you not to do something bad or to do something that’s good? It’s kind of like that when the Holy Spirit talks to you. He prompts you sometimes quietly and sometimes loudly! When I brought many different doubts about home schooling you before Him, He quietly said to my heart, ‘I’ve already told you what to do, now do it and trust Me.’” I said.

Again there was silence, but it was okay. This silence was a “thinking” silence. A “processing” silence. I would like to think it was also an “accepting” silence, but I don’t know if Caleb’s ready to let God change his heart about home schooling quite yet. God’s timing is not my timing. For now He provided me with the opportunity for a cool conversation with Caleb.

Scripture: Exodus 31:16; Exodus 35:20-22 (willing hearts); Exodus 40:12-15

Prayer: Lord, in Your Word You say You want willing hearts. May our hearts be open to whatever You have planned for us. We love You and want to serve You. Please show us how to pass Your Word from generation to generation.


  1. WOW - I just read all your posts about homeschooling. How exciting and challenging for all of you! I will pray that Caleb will accept your decision and that he will come to enjoy the homeschool journey.

    I too am starting my first year of homeschooling. Owen will start Kindergarten this year and we have decided that as of right now homeschool is what is best for our family.

    Luckily for me Owen doesn't know anything about what public school is like so it makes the decision to homeschool a lot easier for me. I just keep telling Owen about all the extra time he will have during the day to go do things with his Grandpa or go on field trips and vacations as a family while all of his cousins and friends are at school!

    So excited for you guys!
    Jill B.

  2. Great blogs, Gretchyn! What an exciting adventure you have ahead!

    We've enjoyed homeschooling for 6 years (started Isaac in preschool)... Isaac will be in 4th, Libby in 3rd, Sam in 1st, and Luke will be doing just a little bit of preschool as a 3 1/2 year old. Joel will hopefully be content to play and be entertained by the rotation of "players."

    Blessings on you and praying Caleb will embrace it! We love it! I'm always open to swapping ideas!

    Love, Tina Toman
