Friday, July 29, 2011

How Did I Get Here?

Do you ever take a long, hard look at your life and wonder, “How did I get here?” You probably ask yourself that question because you never expected your life to turn out the way it did. No matter whether you’ve been following God’s plan for your life up to this point or if you’ve made your own choices … here you are!

Since we’ve decided to home school, I’ve been asked a similar question quite often. The question is usually phrased something like this, “What made you decide to home school?” It’s a good question. For someone like me who’s much better at writing than speaking, it’s a difficult one to answer eloquently. Usually I have to pause, take a deep breath and collect my thoughts.

How did I get here?

The first thoughts of home schooling entered my mind when my kids were still toddlers. I dreamed of taking a vacation with them to all of the educational sights in our nation. We could take a long trip and see the Liberty Bell, the Washington Monument, Hershey’s Chocolate World and all of the other important reminders of our nation’s history! In order to take a long trip like this, I realized we’d probably have to home school someday.

Those thoughts slowly dissipated, however, when we enrolled our son in kindergarten at public school. Two years later our daughter started school. All of a sudden six years went by and thoughts of home schooling were few and far between. When my husband and I did talk about home schooling, we agreed it was great for some families, but not for our family.

Then the Lord started to change my heart this winter. I didn’t even realize He was doing it! It was a very covert operation! The Lord really does have a sense of humor and He knows my personality doesn’t acclimate to change easily. So in His loving kindness, He started gently putting thoughts of homeschooling in my mind.

Over the years the Lord has taught me that He gives us what we need in His timing, not our timing. In my next blog entry, I will describe the events that led us to choose home schooling. Let’s just say that God is very creative and leave it at that for now!

Scripture: Psalm 23:1-3

Prayer: God, Your ways are higher than our ways and Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Thank you for guiding us down the paths You have planned for us. We want to honor You by following Your paths and not going our own way. We love You and want to follow where You want to lead us.

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