Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How Smart is That?

Scripture: 1 Kings 10:23-25; 11:1-6

I recently read a magazine article about a young man who swindled people out of a lot of money. He went to jail for running a Ponzi scheme in the late ‘80s at the age of 20. He was convicted of 57 federal felonies, sentenced to 25 years and ordered to pay $26 million in restitution.

He later became a Christian and after he got out of prison, he became a pastor at a church in San Diego. He seemed to turn his life around, even helping the government catch criminals involved in the same activities that once led him to jail.

However, the article revealed that this man has recently gotten himself back into trouble. The title of his life story could read, “From Criminal to Man Reformed to Criminal Again.” How smart is that? As I read the article, it made me sad to think that this man had come so far toward rehabilitating his life just to let poor choices once again become his downfall.

A similar story takes place in the Old Testament. First Kings chapter 10 reveals that King Solomon became richer and wiser than any other king on earth. People from every nation came to consult him and hear the wisdom God had given him. It sure seemed like King Solomon had it all together – wisdom and wealth besides.

Just like the story I read in the magazine, though, King Solomon’s life took a fateful turn. He chose to marry women whom the Lord had forbidden. In his old age, they succeeded in turning his heart away from God. The Bible says that Solomon refused to follow the LORD completely, as his father, David, had done.

How smart is that? Oh, that we would not make the same mistake. May we seek God in all aspects of our lives so that we will be wise in the knowledge of the Truth. May the title of our life stories read, “From Sinner to Saved - by God’s Grace.” Wisdom and eternal wealth besides!

Prayer: Lord, when we are tempted to go against Your will and Your Word, please help us to be strong. We want to depend on You and You alone. We want to look to You to be the source of our strength to get through each day. Thank you for loving us and forgiving us when we sin. We want to follow You completely!

This post is dedicated to Wayne and Joy Wensmann who have been such an encouragement in my writing. They are true examples of what it means to follow God completely!

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