Thursday, July 28, 2011

An Unexpected Journey

As I look back over the last seven months, I can see God’s hand working in the lives of my family. I never would have expected the outcome, however.

As I look forward to the future, I am excited and scared to death at the same time. I am excited because I know God has led us to this new journey, but I am scared to death because we will be traveling new paths and any type of change doesn’t sit well with my personality. I am a consistent-type person, not a change-type person!

This year the Lord has decided that He’s going to shake up our family a bit. He’s shown both my husband and I that we need to home school our fourth-grade daughter and our sixth-grade son. In later blog entries I will unravel the details of how God changed our hearts and brought us to this path. It’s been a crazy ride, but sometimes God takes us down windy, bumpy roads to lead us to the path He’s designed for us.

When we see these crazy paths ahead of us, we can choose to follow God in faith or to take our own course. In my own life, I’ve found that option number two never works! This time I chose option number one.

Talk about a windy, bumpy road - Moses was born a Hebrew, but he was raised as the son of an Egyptian Pharaoh’s daughter. When he grew up, the Lord asked him to lead the oppressed and enslaved Hebrews out of Egypt.

Moses could’ve said, “No thanks. I’m done with Egypt and I’m staying away from them for good!”

However, he eventually followed God’s path and did many great things for the Lord.

There is more to my story, which I will explain in the next blog entry. There is much to tell. There are “God sightings,” joys, fears and even some tears. I can’t wait to share this journey with you.

Scripture: Exodus 3:1-22

Prayer: Lord, our human nature tells us to take control of our lives. However, when we do that, we almost always mess up! We acknowledge that fact and yet we struggle between wanting to control our lives and giving them over to You. Today we acknowledge that Your way is always best. You never said Your way would be easy, but it’s the BEST way! Thank you for having plans to prosper us and not to harm us … plans to give us a hope and a future!

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