This year is one of those “bonus” school years for me because both of my kids are in the same school. This unique “bonus” happens once every three years. It’s an ideal situation because I only have to keep track of what is going on at one school instead of two!
Unfortunately, the upper elementary school where both kids attend doesn’t seem to need as many parent volunteers as the primary school did. While I miss being involved in their classrooms, I’ve found out I can still volunteer in other areas. Now I’m on the call list to help with the school’s quarterly testing. It’s not the same as being in their classes, which made me a little sad. However, the job did come with the title, “Volunteer Test Proctor.” Who in their right mind would turn down a job with such a prestigious name?
As I proctored some tests yesterday, I realized that there was a higher purpose to being a Volunteer Test Proctor. (I really enjoy using that title.) I decided I would use the testing time to pray for each one of the students in my computer lab by name. As I walked around the room, I prayed that God would protect them, that they would have a good school year, and most importantly, I prayed that they would seek God and know Him on a personal level.
When they finished their test, I told each one of them that they’d done a good job and to have a good day. I tried to compliment them on something they were wearing (it happened to be crazy hat day so it was pretty easy to start up conversations) or ask them about the book they’d brought to read after their test. I don’t know what each child’s home life is like, so I tried to be a bright spot in their day.
I Timothy 2:1-4 says, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone … God our Savior wants all men to be saved.” Maybe you don’t have a school setting available to you, but you could go around your office and pray for each co-worker by name. At the check-out line, you can silently pray for the clerk. As you drive out of your neighborhood, you can pray over one house a day and ask God to be present in that home.
There are many unique ways to pray for people every day. Silent prayers can make a huge difference, even if the person you’re praying for is a stranger. Start today by finding someone you can bless through anonymous prayer. You may never know the outcome of that prayer, but we don’t have to know the end result for prayer to be effective. We can trust in God’s Word that says He wants all men to be saved. Your intercession can make all the difference in the world.
Scripture: I Timothy 2:1-4
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you allow us to help change the world through prayers. Please help us to take notice of the people around us who need prayer. Thank you that You want all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. We want to take the time to pray for others, even if we’ve never met them and will never see them again. Thank you for the power of prayer.
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