Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Me

It was my birthday yesterday. I want you to know that I’m not a birthday diva. Really, I’m not. However, if someone wants to call me to wish me happy birthday or send me a card, I’m not going to turn them away. That would be rude. After all, you only turn 29 … once!

Who am I to refuse a free Caribou birthday drink or a complimentary Pollo Fundido and fried ice cream at Mexican Village? And if my family wants to get me a pedicure for my birthday gift, I will humbly accept it as the loving gift it was intended to be. If my son wants to make my bed, who am I to refuse that once-in-a-lifetime experience? If my kids want to stand a little closer to me on my birthday or hold my hand a little more often, then you can bet I’m going to soak in all the extra attention that my birthday brings.

I can’t help it if my little friend Sawyer and my niece Stella call to sing me an adorable birthday song. When texts pop up with sweet birthday wishes and encouraging words, I have to admit I feel pretty special. When I look at my facebook wall and see all the birthday messages from friends and family, I am touched and blessed to know that so many people acknowledged my special day. I’m not a birthday diva – not at all!

I am so thankful for all the birthday wishes, gifts and free food and drink, but there is more to my birthday than that. As you can see, I love all the attention my birthday brings, but it would mean nothing without love of one person; my Lord. It’s wonderful to have the love of my family and friends, but it’s astounding to have a Savior who loves me. He shows me He loves me every day through His Word, through conversations in prayer, through nature and through people He places in my life.

Psalm 16:2 says, “You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.” Not even birthdays! God gives me everything good in my life.

In Psalm 16:11 David says, “You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to love getting my pedicure, but eternal pleasures sound pretty good, too. I wonder what a heavenly pedicure would feel like?

Scripture passage: Psalm 16

Prayer: Lord, thank you for every good thing You’ve brought into my life. I acknowledge that You are the reason I am on this earth and I want to thank you for giving me life and for giving me the opportunity to spend eternity with You. You do fill me with joy and I give You honor for every blessing in my life. Help me to use my life to honor You. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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