Saturday, February 13, 2010

McDonald’s Angel

Today the kids and I went to McDonald’s for supper. We placed our order and the cashier told us we owed $9.52. I swiped my credit card, but the transaction didn’t go through. The cashier told me to swipe it again, but it still did not work. Her manager told her their server was down, so they would only accept cash.

I don’t carry much cash, so I fumbled through my purse to see if I could scrounge up the money. As I was looking in my purse, I saw a ten dollar bill land on the counter in front of me. I looked up to see where it came from and noticed a high school kid standing next to me with his wallet open.

Imagine my surprise when a high school boy who I had never met was offering to buy my kids and I dinner. Now that doesn’t happen every day! When I was in high school, the only thing I was thinking about was myself. I don’t think it would have dawned on me to pay for someone else’s meal.

I was able to find ten dollars in my purse and humbly gave the kid back his money. I thanked him profusely and told him that by offering to pay for meal, he had made my day! He said that he worked at McDonald’s and felt bad for customers when the computers didn’t work right. How sweet is that?

Galatians 6:10 says, “As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” I wonder if that high school boy knew how much his willingness to “do good” meant to me? He really did brighten my day. He was my "McDonald’s angel." Now … if he could only transform their food into something nutritious!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool. What a neat lesson for your kids to learn and to see that type of generosity. I always get chills when I hear about those Drive Through Difference stories through KTIS. One of these days I hope to remember to do something like that for someone. Maybe as I keep learning more about discerning the voice of God.... Thanks for sharing that! Very cool.
