Monday, February 28, 2011

Letters from Mary Fran

The first time I met Mary Fran Larson was around 10 years ago. She had just moved to town with her husband and three sons. She came to Bible study at my house and I was amazed that such a tiny person could exude such a large amount of positive enthusiasm.

The more I got to know Mary, the more she made me want to follow Christ’s command to love and serve others. She was always bringing food to someone in need, helping younger moms through life or sending out prayer requests through the prayer chain. However, the most personal way she touched my heart was by showing love to my daughter Shalyn.

Mary often sent (and still sends) Shalyn (age 8) a note in the mail. Most of the notes are brief and written on ordinary paper, but Miss Mary always makes them special. She usually decorates each note and mailing envelope with stickers or ribbon. These simple letters mean the world to Shalyn, who even started a “card collection” from Mary Larson.

Every so often we have Mary over for tea. Shalyn sets the table with pretty tea cups and lots of treats. They sit and talk and eat, but most importantly, Mary invests in Shalyn’s life.

Mary has a special place in Shalyn’s heart because she spends time caring about her and making her feel special. The time Mary spends making my little girl feel loved and valuable makes my heart swell with thankfulness.

Mary’s thoughtfulness inspired me to find a little girl I could encourage. Last week I sent a note to a little girl from church telling her that I thought she was special and wonderful. I put stickers on the envelope and inside the card (following Mary’s example). Then I sent a card to Mary Fran Larson. I even decorated the envelope with heart stickers. She said it made her smile!

You see, Mary has the gift of encouragement and she is using her gift to glorify God. I am so thankful for people like Mary who take an active role in showing Christ’s love to others. Is there someone (it could be a child, teenager or adult) you can think of who could use a note of encouragement today? Take the time to send them some snail mail – it may become part of their card collection!

Scripture: Hebrews 3:13

Prayer: Lord, in Your Word You tell us to encourage each other daily. We want to obey You by lifting each other up. We want to encourage each other in our daily lives. May we follow You as we build each other up in our faith. Please show us a specific person today who we can build up with our words or with a letter. We want our love for You to extend to others.

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