Thursday, October 20, 2011

Running on Empty

Scripture: Colossians 1:24-2:7

Here’s a little questions to start your day - how do you view the world? (Maybe you should have a cup of coffee before you answer this one!) Do you see a glass as half full or half empty? I hate to admit it, but I usually see the glass as half empty. It’s an area where I struggle, and I’m learning to depend on God’s Word for the truth regarding my perceptions about life.

I once heard someone compare a glass of water to how we feel about our lives. When our glass is full, we have something to give to others. We can pour a little out and still have something left to satisfy our needs. When our glass is running low, every drop of water we pour out drains sustenance from our bodies.

Some of the things that fill our glass include kind words, time with God, healthy relationships, positive work environments, an unhealthy church and encouraging friendships. Some things that drain our glass are bitterness, unforgiveness, stress, busyness, an unhealthy church environment, illness, lack of time with God, finances, unhealthy relationships, etc.

How full is your glass right now? There have been times in my life when my glass has been full to the point of overflowing. I’ve had plenty of mental, emotional and physical energy to invest in others without draining my glass. Lately, however, my glass is running on empty.

The lyrics to a song by Britt Nicole profoundly describe my deepest desire, “Jesus, I just want to be found by You.” I want and need Jesus to fill my glass. I am going to a women’s conference this weekend and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Heavenly Father, I humbly request you to “Fill ‘er up!”

Prayer: Jesus, oh, Jesus, I just want to be found by You. Please fill my glass with You so that I may overflow to those around me. I want to praise You and love You no matter where life has taken me. I love You and ask You to fill me with Yourself.

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