Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Firstfruits Challenge

If you know me, then you know I am not a morning person. When my alarm goes off my first reaction is to shut it off and go back to sleep. I don’t like to talk to people (including my poor husband) and I’m not friendly in the morning. I really don’t like mornings. Have I stressed that enough? Knowing this about me will make what I’m about to say all the more ironic.

In my weekly women’s Bible study, I felt challenged to spend more time alone with God. I realized if I really want to hear from Him, I need to spend more time in the Word and in prayer. I also know that God wants our best – whether that involves time, financial giving or whatever He might ask of us.

As I was thinking about this, the term “firstfruits” popped into my head. I knew I’d heard it somewhere in the Bible, so I looked it up. It turns out the word was used in Leviticus 23:9-14, where the Feast of Firstfruits required that the first crops harvested be offered to God. The Israelites could not eat the food from their harvest until they had made this offering.

Personally, I felt like God wanted me to give Him the firstfruits of my day. It made me laugh, because if God really wants to spend the first part of my day with me, then good for Him! Not many people do! However, if anyone can handle me in the morning, it's God. Actually, He’s probably the only One who can handle me in the morning!

I decided to spend 10 minutes with God each morning as the first thing I do. It may not seem like a lot, but to a non-morning person, it’s a start! I’m calling it the “Firstfruits Challenge.”

Today was the second day of my self-imposed challenge and it went well. I woke up, shut off my alarm and pumped myself up by chanting, “firstfruits, firstfruits, firstfruits,” over and over again in my head. (Yes, I am officially a dork.) I got out of bed and spent time with the only One (understandably) who wants to spend time with me in the morning.

I’m excited to see how my days are changed because of this. Whether you’re a morning person or not, will you consider joining me in the Firstfruits Challenge? Let’s find out what God has in store for us even before our morning coffee. Don’t worry … the firstfruits chant is optional!

If you want to know more, read Leviticus 23:9-14

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay! You just watch - after just a little while, you will L.O.V.E the morning - you will rise and shine like the sun (or better yet, the S.O.N.!!)
