Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Time for Everything!

Here goes. I'm officially a blogger! Deep breath. Silent prayer. Away I go!

It's been 18 years since I started college. Please don't try to figure out my age. (Would you believe I started college when I was nine?) At a young age I had an interest in reading and writing, so I decided to major in Communications with a Journalism emphasis. I'll save the college stories for another day!

After college I had numerous jobs, only one of which included writing. Then I had kids and realized that writing would be taking a back seat to diapers and play time. I did dabble in writing for our local MOPS group and various other creative, yet personal projects. (Do Christmas letters count?) I always said that once my kids were in school I would pursue writing. Well, my kids have been in school for a year and a half! It seems like it is time to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak.

To jumpstart my writing endeavor, I attended a Christian writing conference this past summer. What a great experience! On the last day of the conference, those of us on the writer's track said our final goodbyes and gathered into writing groups. Our goal was to continue sharpening our writing skills with the help of other sisters in Christ who enjoyed writing.

One of the first emails from our newly-formed writing group suggested we exchange blog addresses. Hmmmm. Blog address. My eyebrows went up as I pondered the daunting thought of a blog. In all honesty, I didn't really even know what a blog was. I felt like an out-of-touch, stay-at-home mom who'd been living under a rock for the last nine years.

Suffice it to say, the list of blogs was sent out sans mine!

As I thought more about getting back into the writing game, I realized that a blog would give me the accountability I needed to write on a consistent basis. However, I worried that I would be just another blogger in a sea of millions. Did we really need another blogger? Another opinion? Another two cents in a bank of millions?

While I prayed about whether or not to start a blog, the Lord reminded me that He values everyone. From the poorest and most destitute to an exalted king. He reminded me that He gave me the desire to write many years ago, even before I majored in Journalism. I believe that He puts passions and desires in our hearts for a reason. I may not be a published author (yet!), but everyone has to start somewhere. I'm starting here, with this blog. I'm taking a step in faith. Even though my writing is far from perfect or polished, writing this blog is what I'm supposed to do. I have the time, my kids are in school, so here I go! I guess there really is a first time for everything!

My final thought for today is my prayer each time I write. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14


  1. I am so proud to be your first blog follower! Not even sure what that means! But I love to read what you write, and not just because I am Mom. You honor God is your writing!

  2. I tried to be your first blogger / blog follower, but Barb beat me I see. I am your biggest fan - excellent job! Can't wait to follow along!

  3. Hey Gretchyn!

    Great job! I am so looking forward to stopping by your blog and checking in! Can't wait to see how God will use you in this capacity.

    Blessings Sweet Sister!

  4. Awesome job Gretchyn! I'm so glad that you took your first step into blogging. I'm looking forward to following you. Have fun and enjoy it!

  5. Gretchyn, welcome to the blog world! Even though I had a blog address to share after She Speaks last year, I was so new at it that I didn't really think it qualified. Can't say that I am become consistent in writing there, but it has been a good tool to develop more discipline while practicing something I love to do and that is write.
    I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you. Write on, sweet sister. :-)

